Thursday, November 30, 2006

worst mother ever?

gus was happily eating breakfast today - she finished off her oatmeal and was plowing through her carrots.  there were about 5 or 6 spoonfuls left, and she was spacing out, i was getting tired, and the spoon took her by surprise.  she gagged, then puked up EVERYthing she had eaten, in two lovely gushes.  she cried, i teared up, and avraham laughed at me (whatever, he was less than happy when he gagged her with a medicine dropper when she had fever).

 i literaly gagged her with a spoon.  I'm an 80s cliche


why would i open an email an emailed with " Not mackerel it fiancee" in the subject line?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

snots everywhere

poor gus with her little cough and teensy stuffed nose.  she's so cute, even when she wipes her snot all over me while nursing, or pulls my hair out.  she just laughs and laughs.  except when she's screaming, which is also cute, cause she sure cries pretty.  lucky girl.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

back to the real world

Salah Choudhury, a Bangladeshi journalist, is going on trial for his life today in Dhaka, Bandgladesh. His crime is "praising Jews and Christians, " , "spying for Israel" and ""being an agent of the Mossad." He committed these crimes by writing articles favorable towards Jews and Christians and supporting relations between Bangladesh and Israel.

Contact Eliot Engle our Congressman at:2161 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515-3217,Phone: (202) 225-2464 or send an e-mail gov/writerep.

or our Senators:Clinton, Hillary Rodham- (D - NY) Class I
(202) 224-4451
Web Form: clinton.senate. gov/contact

Schumer, Charles E.- (D - NY) Class III
(202) 224-6542
Web Form: schumer.senate. gov/SchumerWebsi te/contact/ webform.cfm


You can read more at 

Booba gets bigger

Chewing on Pooh Bear 

Gus wants YOU  to drink (from funny miniature beer mugs.)

Also, lets make it clear that Gus is by far the cutest baby in our family.  And that she likes to watch television, even though we try to discourage it, and she likes to beat up her toys, and HATES being put on her tummy.  Smart baby.  And she's been holding her head up FOREVER.  We love her cleverness, and have decided to keep her. 

Monday, November 13, 2006

it's official

gus-ness is my favorite baby thus far

her furniture came todya and it's starting to feel like she's a real person, and not just a cute little thing we carry around and kiss and try to make feel better when it's crying.

 It's so cool how quickly they grow

sometimes she wtaches the door for Avraham.  she's so little and so smart.  i think we'll keep her.

mushy goodness.

and nursing is getting to be not bad, even fun sometimes, now that she smiles and flirts and coos and laughs (sometimes).

and in other good news, Games magazine finally came today so I get to tease my brain for the next little while.  relief washed over avraham's face - maybe now he'll fear my losing my mind a little less?

Thursday, November 2, 2006