Monday, January 30, 2006

good day!!!!!!!!!!!

i got an A in my ed class

we may be moving

and i saw alan alda!  what a sweet looking guy!

we were across the street from each other and i was looking at him and thinking "why do i have father figure associations with this man's face?"  then i placed him, and i squinted at him, and he squinted at me, and when we passed each other, i grinned, and he looked down at the ground as if to ensure that i wouldn't out him


Friday, January 27, 2006

conclusion of the morning

is that avraham is an idiot and i am a stupid person, but we will probably have brilliant children

provided someone else raises them

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i'm sorry to complain again

but the guy upstairs is jumping and shaking our apartment, and every so often he yells FUCK! so loud you'd think he was in the room next to us, and avraham is on the phone with the building manager talking about moving

i hate the people upstairs.  i hate that they suck, that they're crazy, and that we're now scared of them and unwilling to go tell them to act normal.  of course, they're unable to act normal, as evidenced by their completely insane behavior and reactions.

poor building manager having to deal with the crazy people...

i hope the really insane one hurts himself jumping and has to move out.  oh, god, i'm a bad person.

hello all

have been tired.  to tired to actually accomplish anything.  school, school, travel, tryin to sleep... all leaves me with very little energy for actually blogging about what's going on, which is a bit sad.


cause there's so much going on, but you're not gonna find out about it here.




Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i could swear

that i posted something recently, but i don't see it now.

LOVE project runway - sorry, emmet, knew you were going - least creative of the bunch, and between you and santino, no choice.  but i loved you!!  i wish zulema would GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


my computer semi-died last night - the only lasting problem i've found so far is that all of my history is gone from firefix (haven't bothered to check explorer)

Rest In Peace

Dr. King - you are still missed

Sunday, January 15, 2006

fingers crossed. or magen-davided if you prefer

hoping against hope that the steelers make it to the superbowl.  the last quarter today was outrageous (i woke up from a nap just in time to watch the excitement).  my father dared to root for the colts - some meshugas about going to school in baltimore when they played there, and he just fell in love, yadda yadda...  how about some pennsylvania pride?!

plan is to have another superbowl game party - last year we watched the eagles piss away a potential win, and the year before, well, avraham and i got engaged rather unexpectedly after the booby flash.  although i maintain that the two incidents are unrelated.

also, if booby flash were to inspire us, it definitelty wouldn't be old and saggy booby flash.  where's jessica alba when you need her?  oh, right, acting in craptastic movies like the fantastic four - which actually looks bad enough that i won't sit through it, not even for the beautiful miss alba.

side note - no matter how mad you are, don't take your helmet off on the field.  idiot

Monday, January 9, 2006

life in Drive

i've taught avraham to drive, and he's gotten really good.  so good, in fact, that he does almost all of the driving everywhere we go.  it was so stressful at first, but now i feel confident enough to fall asleep.  although i can't do that yet, cause he only has a permit.

it's cool how we navigated something as potentially sensitive as that without any real blow-ups.  it gives me some hope for future difficulties.

and now - off to make yummy canned vegetarian vegetable soup, childhood favorite!

Thursday, January 5, 2006


please explain to me how it is that i drink enough water to force me to wake upmultiple times in the night to pee, yet i still wake up in the morning dehydrated?!?

also, i love mad about you

beyond belief.