Monday, August 30, 2004
scene on 46th
and in the front window, the passion of christ
Friday, August 27, 2004
flat screen
DUDE! get a free flat screen TV or monitor by signing up here and referring some friends.
how could you not?
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Sunday, August 22, 2004
got this in my email today
the full story
on sunday night, while we were waiting for my brother in the car in the UWS, avraham complained to me about chest pain and a tingling in his fingers. i asked him if he was having a heart attack. he said that he didn't think so.
we sat there siliently for a minute.
then he asked me if i thought he was having a heart attack. i told him that i didn't know.
we sat there silently again.
he told me that now that i'd put the idea in his head, it actually was concerning him. i asked him if he was stressed out over anything. he said no. we decided that the pain was because he had been holding on to a futon for the entire ride from PA.
on tuesday he told me that he was going to go see doctor. i looked into my insurance coverage for him just to find that it had neve finalized because i had never sent in my marriage license - mostly because i was never told to, but that's s minor issue in this story.
so we spoke to the union rep and sent in a whole bunch of info.
the next morning i get a call from him at work saying the tingling had spread to his neck. i called the union rep, who gave me his info, and off he went to columbia-presbytarian.
he walked in complaining of chest pain and tingling, and they did an EKG - which came back fine.
a muscle got inflamed and pressed on a nerve, accounting for all the symptoms.
i posted a quick note about the EKG, which his mother read. avraham decided to make the entry secure until we could talk to the immediates so no one would panic upon reading it.
and now you know.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
so everything is good, my husband is adorable and cuteness personified and should have been a male model in my personal opinion (echoed by the cab driver who stopped and stared at him in admiration).
smicha student is a close second.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
- A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.
- A disorderly mass; a jumble: The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.
- often Chaos The disordered state of unformed matter and
infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before
the ordered universe. - Mathematics. A dynamical system that has a sensitive dependence on its initial conditions.
- Obsolete. An abyss; a chasm.
- Slang.
- A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.
- An inexperienced young man.
- Music.
- Punk rock.
- A punk rocker.
- Slang. A young man who is the sexual partner of an older man.
- Archaic. A prostitute.
- The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior: out of fashion.
- Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode: a swimsuit that is the latest fashion.
- The style characteristic of the social elite: a man of fashion.
- Manner or mode; way: Set the table in this fashion.
- A personal, often idiosyncratic manner: played the violin in his own curious fashion.
- Kind or variety; sort: people of all fashions.
- Shape or form; configuration.
i read in the ny times yesterday that cool kids are now over the whole low slung low cut low class look that's taken over their closets and floors.
the theory in the adult world is that eventually the pendulum had to swing, cause there's nowhere else to remove clothes from that doesn't break any laws.
my theory is that it's impossible to rebel when there are no rules.
i think that people needed to move back to more basic (as they call its, classic) lines in order to start the revolution going again. turn up their colors, wear baggy khakis, get parents excited at the prospect of having their kids cover up and dress nicely - lull them, really - and then slowly freak them out again.
i mean, can parents get any more desensitized than buying short shorts for 7 year olds? having 4 year olds wearing thei jeans so low that their little teeny boxers are sticking out 5"? (that's a lot of inchage on a small butt)
without rules, without order, there is no chaos, there is only chaos. YOU CAN"T REBEL AGINST CHAOS
/dresses like a punk anyhow
Monday, August 16, 2004
life and such
avraham starts teaching in about 2.5 weeks, so yesterday we went shopping for clothes.
delia's - i got cords
tommy - hated everything, overpriced for such crap
gap - i got jeans, he got 2 shirts and a sweater
timberland - he got shoes and socks
ralph lauren - he got 4 pairs of (really nice!) pants
brooks brothers - he got two sweaters
eddie bauer - he got 3 shirts, i got 2 shirts, a sweater, and a vest
he looks SO nice. really, he's just too cute. if he'd been my teacher in HS, i'd have had a crush on him.
hopefully this will not be an issue at MTA. *grin*
smack chart
this horrid woman at work is not improving my sleep deprived mood.
went up to meet someone i have to work with as we design the site and she assumes (because i'm female and married) that i've been brought to help her do work gathering data. she asks how much i dedicate to the site, i tell her it varies. she asks how much time i can dedicate daily, i ask her what she needs. she repeats her question, i repeat mine (thoroughly confused, of course). she then bllows up about if i have time for her, i should just say so.
um, ok.
so i ask her what she needs the time for, and she says it's to collect email addresses. so i tell her i do'nt have time to do that during the day, and she, brilliantly, launches into an attack on people not wanting to do such work - without ever stopping so i could tell her that what an asshat she is (not in so many words).
quickly retreated, went about trying to find someone to help her, and find taht *every*one here pussy foots around her. was in the office when she bitched to someone over the phone about my unwillingness to help her.
we tried to find out how much work there is so we'd know who to assign to her, and she flipped out again, this time on the defensive. i guess she thought we were "questioning" her - really we're just trying to get the fucking work done.
and people actually respect her instead of finding her incredibly offensive and counter productive.
excuse me as i go simmer in anger...
Friday, August 13, 2004
the warriors and the bankers
I've been poking around this site educating myself on my down time, and i ran into this book, which i've just purchased from them.
while i wasn't impresed with the DaVinci Code to the extent that i actually thought it was true (like some people), i thought Dan brown did an great job of writing an interesting thriller. he got some facts wrong, but it was fun.
he made random mention of a lot of little details that i thought it'd be fun to look into more on my own time, thus the purchase of this book.
basically, this book posits that the Templars knew they were goign down - so a bunch of them left. and instead of going to the sea, they went to form a new place for themselves.
interview with one of the authors here.
i'll let you know if it's craptastic or totally cool.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
sick. this is a sick sick twisted world, and i think God is just a little sadder.
why does someone always have to better than someone else?
Friday, August 6, 2004
she butts in to private moments, private conversations, conversations about people she's never met...
she compulsively talks *all* the time about herself and her family and other such things (i've learned to block it ou).
she made me turn down my "weird" music yesterday cause it botheres her - les mis has never been called that before to my knowledge.
and today the music got shut off.
i'm mourning here, people. and looking for a new co-worker. : )
bourne supremacy
relish in this people. here is a sequel that by far outranks the first movie.
it suddenly occurred to me last night that i was riveted to the screen watching a car chase - and it was because of great editing and directing. no explosions, no naked girls, no maniacal anything. just a good old fashioned intense car chase.
the filming of the movie was quite brilliant as well. while not shot from Bourne's perspective through out, the camera movement in certain scenes reflects bourne's emotional/psychological state to a T.
i normally detest taking a character and writing totally new stories for him/her, but in this case it not just worked, it was better than the book.
high marks for bourne. i hope they keep it up.
Thursday, August 5, 2004
: (
until then i'll sit and flush in a rabbi's office when he tells me to stop talking to he can explain somehting i already know to me
most excellent
i really love the people i like.
Wednesday, August 4, 2004
my head is made of mush
everyone said "oh, the first summer of marriage is great!" "take time for yourselves this summer"
that's so funny. i spend all day at work, either busting my butt or waiting for more work, which somehow makes me tired, either way. i'm getting home at 7 these days, i eat, talk to avraham, and start passing out somewhere around 10. but of course i want to actually spend time with avraham, so i try to stay up and... yay it's morning! and i'm so frikking tired, i could hurt someone. avraham's the only other one there, though, and he's pretty much the only person i know that i would never want to hurt.
so i think next summer, we're boycotting. if anyone of our very good friends get married - sorry guys. we'll be baby-sitting the cat. what cat? ha! the one in my head! and if you're not such a good friend, and you invite us, you're not even getting a gift. maybe just a picture of me sticking my tongue out at you.
maybe i can start slepping again before i turn 25.
if anyone takes offense at this post, i aplogize. i'm excited by your Smachot. i'd just like it if there were weekends to catch up in between them.
Tuesday, August 3, 2004
just a thought
here's a good rule. when people have just gone throug something as tiring - emotionally, physically - as a wedding, they want to, need to sleep then ext night. especially when they're facing a week full of this.
sitting and singing NCSY shalishudis (is that how you spell it?) songs for 45 minutes is not fun for them. hearing inane stories is not fun for them. they want to see you, eat, do Sheva Brachot, and start the long treck home.
the thrill of walking into your apt for the first time as a married couple is slightly duleld when you're carrying a lot of stuff anf falling over from exhasution.
also, if you're going to make Sheva Brachot, make sure that someone there actually knows the procedure. it also helps to have benchers with the brachot in them ready to go. and work out the money beforehand - noone wants to stand around after 2 hours and figure out how much they owe, who they gave it to... it's so senior trip. get it together people, we're adult-ish now.
Monday, August 2, 2004
wow, i'm my own family
eddie and orly
while deciding whether to go to the Shabbat Kallah or the Auf Ruf was awful, ultimately i'm glad that i got to get to know both families a little more. i felt more in tune with the entire simcha instead of the usual "is that her father? who's that little kid? is it worth it to sat Mazal Tov to a parent who won't even remember my name?"
the usic was so good, the dancing was non stop, the food was ridiculously great, and the people... god love those people! i can't wait to go back and visit princeton. : )
yay orly! yay eddie! welcome to the heights!