Monday, June 28, 2004
Friday, June 25, 2004
While i'm at it
You took me by force
And from me -
no screams, no barrage, just a whimper
You took my by wiles.
A silent mourning arose in me
stretching into an eternal echoing in my heart.
In that moment
you took my mind
My childhood
My pride
My future
leaving yawning pain
I wished for a miracle.
"God! This one time,
undo time!
Rewind & help me. Help me!"
There was no miracle.
You'd silenced even God.
A hush, thrumming, growing,
beating -
black wings of despair over
black waves of undirected rage.
Rage against the night!
Rage against the girl who
went gentle into her
Cry for her
Cry with her
Sh - listen to that whimper
the silence
of her stolen life
The “Kosher Tax” Fraud
By Rabbi Yaakov Luban
Recently, an e-mail diatribe about the so-called “Kosher
Tax” has been widely disseminated through the Internet.
Various racist and anti-Semitic right-wing extremist
groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, have circulated this
misinformation for decades. Today, these fraudulent
claims have been co-opted by terrorist organizations as
well. The allegations are total nonsense and a complete
distortion of the truth.
The “Kosher Tax” memo is patterned after other class-
ical anti-Semitic works, such as the “Secret Annals of
the Protocols of Zion”. Both the “Protocols of Zion”
and the “Kosher Tax” plant seeds of fear by suggesting
there is a secret Jewish conspiracy spearheaded by a
small group of Jews who wield enormous influence over
world affairs. The “Kosher Tax” makes the ludicrous
accusation that a powerful syndicate of Rabbis extorts
exorbitant fees from food manufacturers by threatening
a crippling boycott of companies who do not comply.
These “blackmail” fees are passed on to the unsuspec-
ting consumer in the way of higher food charges.
The reality is that food manufacturers voluntarily seek
kosher certification as an important and effective
marketing tool. A kosher symbol signals that the product
is suitable for consumption by Jews, Moslems, Seventh
Day Adventists and lactose intolerant individuals, all
who have special dietary requirements. In addition,
many consumers view the kosher symbol as an indepen-
dent verification of quality.
The retail cost of a food product is generally not
increased by kosher supervision. The decision to seek
kosher certification is based on market research and an
evaluation that it is in the company’s best financial
interest to enter into a supervisory program. The modest
cost associated with kosher supervision is a miniscule
fraction of the total production expenditure, and is offset
by the often-significant increase in profit resulting from
expanded sales. In addition, many production and distri-
bution costs are fixed. When the volume of sales
increases, the overhead cost per unit decreases. The
bottom line is that kosher supervision brings in greater
revenue, and allows companies to reduce the price of
their wares, if they so desire.
The Orthodox Union, the largest supervisory agency, is
a non-profit organization, which provides kosher super-
vision as a service to consumers. The revenue generated
by the certification program is used to cover supervisory
costs, as well as support a wide range of social services.
The current dissemination of the “Kosher Tax” lie ref-
lects once again that those who seek to achieve evil
goals through the use of terror are neither bound by
truth, integrity or moral values.
Rabbi Yaakov Luban is Executive Rabbinic Coordinator of the
Orthodox Union Kashruth Division
Thursday, June 24, 2004
oh lord...
Ephraim Yitzchak b-n Sima Tova
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
first raw draft
You burned within me
Shouting truth
Wrenching my gut, tearing open my heart
Carefully cutting, I picked you
Out from within in me,
Chunks and splinters
Ripping my hands on you
Your fire
I breathed back with fire of my own
Pulling the charred skin back
To cover your hole
Your holes that flecked me, marked me
Anything to fill them,
To block the whistling emptiness
I was being consumed
Teeth, nails, blades, shards
Indistinguishable for the pricks to oblivion
- knowledge of your lies -
Rushing torrents of rage
Buffeting battering obliterating all I knew
Thought I knew
Helplessly empty
Dropping to my knees
I cry out for youTuesday, June 22, 2004
today we got the coolest thing ever -
my father delivered our home 'theatre' system:
27" flat screen TV
VCR/DVD player
surround sound speaker system
kickin' TV stand
party at my house!
Monday, June 21, 2004
Sunday, June 20, 2004
a few words of advice, then i must collapsse in bed.
1. if you can, try to skip one night of sheva berakhot. you'll feel better with something to look forward to and some rest.
2. try to prepare speeches more than 12 hours in advance - you'll fell less stressed out.
3. register for stuff you don't want at a department store, then return it and buy all the electronics you need.
that's it for now, brain function is about to cease.
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
more 'ideas to be avoided'
1. going to your chatan's auf ruf without sleeping the night before
2. getting locked out of the house of the people you're supposed to be staying with - not because you don't have a key. you just don't know which house it is.
3. sleeping through said auf ruf. (this is partially due to the fact that we didn't get in to the house until about 1 am on shabbat, when someone finally showed us which house it was, so we couldn't set anything up - like an alarm clock or what not. also, we were in the basement, and the lack of sunlight/windows let us sleep in quite nicely. plus that fact that noone woke us up.)
3a. kicking people when they say "oh, look, there was a whole auf ruf, and you came for it, and slept through it. that's so funny".
4. storing 12 foot poles for the chupah in the car so there's no room for people to sit in the car
5. fighting with future mother-in-law over said chupah and its decoration (not upsetting because she disagreed - no, i was tired and grumpy and therefore capable of literally biting her, or anyone else’s, head right off. i held myself back)
6. after the exhaustion of the weekend, watching a creepy movie with toby at the apt. way to ensure i don't sleep well.
so, yes, children - the week before your wedding, things are busy. and you will be tired. be smart. don't do favors for people, don't be nicer to others than you are to yourself. if people wake you up at quarter to 2 in the morning, curse them out and hang up. if you can't get back to sleep, call them back to curse them out again. you'll feel better.
it also helps to grab an extra bag of candy and whomp it at your chatan's head when he's not looking.Monday, June 7, 2004
line of the night
saturday night, my mother to avs:
i don't mean to be familiar, i'm just looking for a place to put my hand.
Thursday, June 3, 2004
copepods and such
i've been with this since day one, and i have to say - ew.
the guys who discovered the whole issue was here again today, this time with live samples, videotape, and samples taken from his faucet.
i know more about water and copepods than i ever thought possible. i can tell you which kind of bug it is by how it moves through the water, and that a baby copepod is about the size of the first space in the 'E' of the phrase "IN GOD WE TRUST" on a quarter.
i can tell you that we are furiously investigating the water, and that no matter what they say, i will use a filter cause they grossed me out.
in fact, there's a whole lot i can tell. but i won't. you don't deserve to know!!!!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahaha
love my friends
funniest response to our sheva brachot invite:
I am taking summer classes in MD this summer and can't make it :( But I do wish you guys lots of Mazal and Simchas, and would like to echo all the sentiments about this being the coolest 7 Brachot idea EVER. Man, Dan you are a freak, but in a good way:)! All my best guys, and I hope to see you soon!
2 things
Elisheva bat Naomi is doing better, please continue to daven for her.
avraham, full of his usual love and affection, tripped me last night. granted it wasn't on purpose - his foot somehow ended up beneath my shoe. and now i have no knee! well, it's covered with purple and scrapes. ugh
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
refuah shleimah
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
so there i was over chag with a pulled hamstring, kinda bored, watching meredith fall on her head (briefly)... and i realized that single life is almost over.
that's cool.
the schedule is as follows, near as i can tell - we got our marriage license on friday. i had a shower at my sister's house on sudnay, one at my apt last night. my lovely cousin spent the night, and we got to play a little.
this shabbat is the aufruf. next shabbat is my shabbat kallah. then there's a wedding. mine. that's gonna be a hella long day.
then i get to go live with the cutest boy in the whole wolrd. forever. (if you think someone else is cuter, that's ok, but don't mention it here. this is MY blog)
dream last night - it's my wedding day, and noone woke me up, and there's no time to do my hair or make up so i kinda do it myself, a little half assed. which is fine. then there's this snake chsaing me, and i kill it, and it's trying to bite me, and then i woke up and was thinking about the witch from wizard of oz and i was so freaked out i couldn't go back to bed.
yeah, i was reading wicked.
anyhow, so here i am, tired... and hungry. bye!