an exchange between a stranger and myself earlier this week:
--- abaskin wrote:
> If you have interest in shidduchim on my Web site
> and in my self,
> please welcome to the art network for therapist
> www.xxxxxxx where is biggest
> collection animated
> pictures for therapy and to the bible illustrated
> for therapy
> www.xxxxxxxx
> Best regards, Alex
Why are you emailing me?
where did you get my address?
if i do not get a response from you within the next
two days with a full explanation of why i recieved
your email, i will report you and your website as
--- wezit <abaskin> wrote:
> Your email I received from shiduch list, and sent
> to you request about
> your interest in this questions - it isn't spam,
> if you have not interest
> in shiduch, please inform me
thank you for the prompt response.
i should not be on any shidduch list as i have not
signed myself onto any.
please let me know who gave you my email address.
--- wezit <abaskin> wrote:
> shidduch list
where did you get this shidduch list, and from whom?
i would like to contact the person who gave you my
personal email address, if that's not too much to ask.
thank you
--- wezit <abaskin> wrote:
that website is my Chatan's website.
that link goes to an announcement about our engagment
1. do not use his website to gather email addresses
for spamming. you will be reported as a spammer.
it's illegal to do that.
2. i find it interesting that you saw my name and
email address on an engagement announcement and
decided it was a shidduch list. you need to be much
more careful about what you're reading and what it
- i haven't heard from him since. : )
although i'm starting to realize how bitchy engagement has made me...